An 84 meter length of fencing is attached to the side of a barn in order to fence in a rectangular area…

An 84 meter length of fencing is attached to the side of a barn in order to fence in a rectangular area, as shown in the figure above. If the length of the side of the fence running perpendicular to the barn is half the length of the side of the fence that is running parallel to the barn, what is the area of the fenced off land?

Hi Mike,question on Math Quiz 4 #9: I get the answer and the proposed solution (area of large triangle minus area of small triangle)…

Hi Mike,
question on Math Quiz 4 #9: I get the answer and the proposed solution (area of large triangle minus area of small triangle). But my daughter worked the problem differently and I think what she did was correct, but she got a slightly different answer and I can’t figure out exactly why.
Her solution: she used Pythag Theorem to get the hypot of small triangle: so 4^2 + 1^2 = c^2…. so c=Sqrt(17). This is base of large triangle. So A= 1/2 bXh, or 1/2 (sqrt 17)(8), she got 16.492.

Weekend Challenge – Dead zones

I’m heading out this morning to go camping for the weekend (Woohoo! Bug bites!) and I won’t have any way to access the Internet reliably, so if you enter this contest please be patient. I probably won’t be able to declare a winner or post a solution until Monday evening. I’m told the place we’ll (more…)

Weekend Challenge – Father’s Day

In honor of Father’s Day, this weekend challenge is inspired by my dad’s hobby business. He sells wooden flags, like the one above, on Etsy. Basically, he finds discarded pallets (this is a pallet), chops ’em up into pieces of the size he needs, and mounts them. As usual, these challenge questions are not really (more…)